Year: 2021

  • The Lens of Corruption: Afghanistan and America

    Sarah Chayes has spent most of her life analyzing and reporting about corruption.  She spent more than a decade in Afghanistan arriving in Kandahar following America’s victory over the Taliban in 2001.  Americans are seeking to understand the sudden collapse of the Afghan government. This is Chayes’ comment on the Taliban victory:  “And I discovered…

  • Feathering Their Nests

    Corruption is a universal element of human nature. From earliest times, our chronicles have always included stories of corruption. Jesus said, “Watch out for the Scribes. They devour widow’s houses…” The Scribes were the government officials of that time processing marriages, divorces, loans, and estates. Of course, corruption isn’t part of everyone’s nature and the…

  • Trial post 2

    This is some trial content